Separação e captura do dióxido de carbono em instalações marítimas de produção de petróleo. / Carbon dioxide separation and capture in offshore petroleum production facilities.




The current Brazilian market needs to increase the natural gas supply to incentive the national scientific community to the challenge of developing new technologies routes aiming increase the utilization of the produced natural gas. Such challenge is followed by a world demand from signatory countries of the Kyoto Agreement (ratified in 2005) to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions. In spite of, the Brazil does not have any reduction goal, in the first period (2008 to 2012) the oil sector (E&P activity), by their oil operators companies that works in our country, has already established corporative goals to avoided greenhouse gas emissions in their production facilities (bigger predominance of offshore production unities). The present work approaches the economic and technical evaluation of a carbon dioxide (CO2) separation and capture proposal process (First and Second Proposal Case) comparatively your absence (Base Case). The First Case consider the CO2 separation and capture both the produced gas and exhausted gases of one turbine driven by gas. The Second Case consider only the CO2 separation and capture from the produced gas. At the present, in Brazil, it has not been developed yet suitable technologies, for such use, and the CO2 is normally disposal to the atmosphere. Moreover, the present Regulation (104/2002 ANP Decree) limit the potential of CO2 use existing in the gas composition that is marketed in the country, due to not differentiate the uses of this important fuel. The results obtained of this thesis, by using a process simulator of commercially use showed CO2 avoided emissions of 55 % to the atmosphere (Second Proposal Case that shows the best economic evaluation) related to the result obtained from the Base Case. This relevant result is equivalent in mass flow, to the avoidance emission of roughly 241 x 103 tons per year, for a single pilot unity proposal. According the economic evaluation study, the Second Proposal Case (VPL:US$ 15,3 x 106) was better than the First Case (VPL: US$ 13,9 x 106), using the Case Base as reference. Within the benefits expected with the use of this new technology are the following: reduction both the internal gas consumption and natural gas losses (atmospheric disposal), emissions avoided of CO2 and hydrocarbons, beyond the increase of CO2 and gas storage practices in offshore depleted oil fields. It is estimated, in future scenery, with the implantation of this new proposal process in offshore production unities, relevant contribution of avoided greenhouse gases emissions can occur in oil E&P tasks in Brazil.


co2 separation dióxido de carbono armazenamento geológico atmospheric emission separação de co2 petróleo petroleum co2 capture carbon dioxide geological storage emissão atmosférica captura de co2 greenhouse efeito estufa

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