Senses of regression. Theoric and clinical notes on Ferenczi, Balint and Winnicott / Sentidos da regressão. Consideraçõe teoricoclínicas em Ferenczi, Balint e Winnicott




In Psychoanalysis, regression has multiples aspects. One of these aspects is showed by the metapsychological explanation of the dreams formation. Another aspect is presented on the description of primitive traits such as sexual aims, object-relations, and ways of being of some patients in analysis. Regarding the primitive dimension of human psychism, regression was the theme of controversies between Freud and Ferenczi, who believed in the therapeutic potential of regression. The heterogeneous regression feature figure a strategic position in the study of articulations between psychoanalytical theory and clinic. The goal of this work is to examine the regression multiple meanings, based on authors who focused on this theme: Sandor Ferenczi, Michel Balint and Donald Winnicott. It consists in a study of these three authors texts. Aiming to grasp the meaning of regression in Ferenczi, we examined his experimentation process in clinical technique and his ideas about human psychosexual development. We find regression as a central position in his theory that provides a nonlinear direction in his human development view. In his clinic practice, the regression is understood as a way to settle down traumas that reside in the root of psychic perturbations. The meanings of regression in Michel Balint indicate not only its therapeutic potential as a possibility of the new beginning, but also the impasses implied in regression that occurs in the analytic setting. As a result, he draws two forms of regression: benign and malign. Looking for understanding these two forms of regression pointed by Balint, we examined his ideas about the diverse forms of sexuality in childhood and in the adult life. We also considered his conception of psychism origin that he name as primary love in opposition to the narcissism. The basic fault appears as a description of object relation primary structures that need to be experienced by some patient in the analytic relation. In Winnicott, we describe a clinical case which has regression as the core process. We studied the meaning of this concept to Winnicott, figuring out the notion of regression to dependence. We looked carefully at his ideas about primitive emotional development resulting in the conception of the third area of experimentation. This area belongs to both internal and external individual reality, where playing is possible. In the end of this study, we make some articulations between the elements picked in each author, finding out some similarities and differences between them. Despite of some differences between them, there is a common clinic stile which faces regression as a possible way to origins. This road might be walked, figured out or even constituted in the analysis process as a pathway of treatment. This path includes the environment as a constituent of phychism, especially in its origin.


balint michael maurice1896-1970 constituição do eu ferenczi sandor 1873-1933 psicanálise regressão self constitution balint michael maurice 1896-1970 setting (psicanálise) winnicott donald woods 1896-1971 regression winnicott donald woods 1896-1971 ferenczi sandor 1873-1933 psychoanalysis setting (psychoanalysis)

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