Sem açúcar, com afeto : estudo crítico de denúncias de violência contra as mulheres e dos paradoxos da judicialização / Without sugar, with affection: a critical study of violence reports against women and the paradoxes of judicial proceedings


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Over the six years of enactment of the Law 11,340/06, called Maria da Penha Law, and almost 30 years after the installation of the first Women Police Station in Brazil (so called DEAM), we find ourselves pleased with discussions and practices committed to the defense of womens category. At the same time, we are frustrated with sexist comments and actions that devalue achievements and new demands of women. Within a context with such ambiguous values, to investigate how and under which conditions policies to combat violence against women are applied become very relevant for the assessment of the aspects that should receive more investment, as well as the critical points that prevent or minimize the success of the planned actions. Therefore, this research sought to investigate the uses and implications of the Maria da Penha law on complaints of domestic violence by women in Vitória-ES. We analyze data from 613 police reports (BO) recorded at DEAM-Vitória over six months of 2010, as well as interviews with police officers on the operation of this police station and the attended cases and procedures adopted. Interviews with two women (middle class / upper-middle) and a middle class couple, ex-spouses, constitute the third source of data: all had experienced violence in their marital relationships and answered questions about their perceptions of gender, violence and relationships. Analyses procedures were used in accordance to the objectives of each study. We use the Excel and Sphinx for the descriptive analysis of the BOs, the Alceste to analyze the reports of the police reports and of the transcripts of interviews with women participants. For these last data, we also employ Content Analysis. The phenomenological analysis was used to organize and evaluate the interviews of the participants who had been married. In this set of studies, we have: the characterization and analysis of the structure (physical and professional) of the police station, the employees evaluation of the complainants and the service, and the description and analysis of cases of domestic violence recorded in the DEAM. We also performed a comparative analysis of the complaints of women in low- and middle- or high income. The interviews with the three women and a man led to the development of two studies: the first one discusses violence from the perspective of these women (situations of violence, denounces, expectations) and, on the second article, we develop a relational analysis of incidents of violence over the couple relationship. The analysis allows evaluating the implementation of the aspects set out in Law Maria da Penha and the use of the station by women complainants. With that, we discussed the need for investments that achieve more than the criminalizing bias of the Law, considering within it, and in other policies, there are points that focus on education, health and prevention. When ignored, these points could hinder that appropriate measures be taken to face violence against women


psicologia violência contra a mulher judicialização lei 11.340/06 políticas públicas enfrentamento da violência violence against women judicial proceedings law 11.340/06 public policies policies against violence.

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