Self-managed teams in Brazil: a survey-based approach. / Equipes de trabalho com autonomia no Brasil: um estudo baseado em survey.




The subject of this dissertation is teamwork in Brazil. There has been a growing interest for the issue since the 1990 decade, in this country and abroad, followed by the national scientific production, of qualitative approach. This research project assumes survey-based approach, applied to a non-random, inter-sectorial sample, composed of 49 firms that recognize to adopt the concept oh teamwork. Some research questions and hypotesis were proposed, based on the literature review, as structure to the questionnaire. Making use of an instrument that was already tested by former case study, the questionnaire has the capacity to measure the deepness and the span of teamsautonomy , as well as: results achieved, characteristics of the firms in the sample, initiative for the introduction of teamwork, and other surrounding conditions. The questionnaire was designed to be sent either by mail or by e-mail, and filled in the absence of the researcher. From the data evaluation, using descriptive statistics and also inductive statistics tests, are found some cases of teams with high degree of autonomy, in the fashion of Sociotechnical systems. The prevailing condition, nevertheless, is the partial transference of power and responsibilities to the work teams, like in the Toyota Production System. Some evidence were found that confirm theoretic elements, like the positive correlation between the degree of autonomy of work teams and specific results associated to the superior ability of learning and answering to variations of process or business conditions. Relevant information regarding the characteristics of the sample were also shown: the prevalence of large scale manufacturing companies, the significant incidence of national capital firms, the timid role that unions play on the introduction of teamwork, and the growing interest for the concept, as demonstrates the "age" profile of the teamwork initiatives. The information obtained by this research project, as well as the methodological experience, may serve as foundation to future projects regarding the subject "teamwork", or even to others that aim to use the survey approach.


organização do trabalho semi-autonomous groups trabalho em equipe grupos semi-autônomos teamwork work organization

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