Seleção e hierarquização de áreas para implantação de aterro sanitário, utilizando geoprocessamento e lógica FUZZY: aplicação na região metropolitana de Aracaju (SE) / Selection and prioritisation of areas for deployment of landfill, tool using GIS and logic FUZZY : application in the metropolitan region of greater Aracaju (SE)




This work has as main proposal, supported by resources of geoprocessing and fuzzy logic, select and prioritize areas for deployment of landfill in the metropolitan region of Aracaju. To start of the study, it was made an approach about the generation of solid waste household and sweeping in the municipalities of Greater Aracaju, getting to the size of the area required to accommodate the trash of the next fifteen and twenty years in the region. Soon after, were initially created eight macro-areas of restriction arising from the approach of legal and operational, which derived more twenty-nine other new areas with greater detail, resulting in only nine, as being of greater ability. Once these areas are subjected to an analysis mult- criterion under environmental, operational and human, applied to the fuzzy logic, aimed at making numerical values in linguistic expressions and reverse, with the objective of scoring each area under the aspect of various topics and can classify and prioritize in order to denote those of the more minor suitability for the deployment of landfill in the metropolitan area of Aracaju. Finally, reached a final classification of the areas, however, it was found that only technical criteria not enough to indicate an area as perfect for the deployment of a landfill, it must be accepted politically, which had not been considered in this work, which has the main function used to support the decision, giving support to public managers.


landfill aterro sanitário geoprocessing geoprocessamento fuzzy logic recursos hidricos lógica fuzzy

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