Seleção de novos tipos e propagação rápida em Solenostemon scutellarioides, Lamiaceae / Selection of new tipes and rapid propagation in Solenostemon Scutellarioides, Lamiaceae




The specie Solenostemon scutellarioides is an ornamental plant cultivated since the era Victoriana, very used due to great diversity of coloration, format of leaves and growth habits. However, the great instability of coloration and formats of these varieties have been hindering its commercial exploration. Two assays were conducted in the Experimental Station of the Biology, Campus of the University of Brasília. The first aimed to genetic segregation out of natural crosses of Coléus (Solenostemon scutellarioides) obtain originating new patterns for ornamental market. Seeds of Coleus were sown on plastic pots (4 L) under glasshouse conditions of 26.5C mean temperature with a variage of 12.5 and 42.5. The shade index was around 50%. The plants were evaluated after 30 days sowing for the different patterns concerning genetic segregation. The frequency detected in the population of the different patterns was recorded on basis percent. The high segregation of Solenostemon scutellarioides confirmed cumulated knowledge about the genetic of the species. New interesting patterns were selected to the ornamental market. The aim of the second assay was to verify the response of the species to rapid, uni-nodal cutting, propagation method. Fifty minicuttings with 2 cm were cultivated in greenhouse, in 4 L pots, similar to the first assay. After sprouting and small root formations the cuttings were transferred to 120-celled plastic trays (50x30x11 cm). Fifty days after the transplant the small plants were classified into three size categories. The species responds quite well to the method. The propagation method is an efficient means for rapid cloning of new patterns segregating.


markers agronomia segregação segregation mini-cutting marcadores clonagem coléus mini-estaquia cloning coleus

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