Segurança em processamento de dados / Data processing security




The business community and the Data Processing and Information Systems professionals are facing today a new kind of challenge: the Computer threat. The increasing number of installed computers and the large utilization of teleprocessing and networking techniques are pushing the organizations to be greatly dependent on the Information Processing Facility and its final product: the computerized information systems and the associated environment. It is not very difficult to verify that the impact of this fast growing technology has been only partially absorbed not only by users but also by the computer professionals. In fact, the computer development is not being followed by the corresponding development of the Data Processing Administration Principles. This means that the control and administration guidelines for this type of activity are not in the desirable stage, i.e., no final conclusions have been set up on how to obtain a completely secure and reliable Data Processing Installation. This open Window is, as a consequence, the shortest way for criminal practices and generalized errors which will result in the damage of the organizations assets and operations. The concept of security largely used today refers mostly to the physical security and does not cover all the components of the Data Processing Installation as it should be understood: a) The Physical Installation - including the hardware, software, lay-out, auxiliary equipment, telephone lines , etc.. b) The computerized information system (formal batch system) c) The computerized information systems using advanced techniques such as Data Base and Data Communication. d) The Process of Information Systems Development (Methodology) In this study, we propose that the concept of security be extended to all the elements of the Data Processing environment, as a basic factor which contributes to its integrity and effectiveness. As a contribution to the study of the Data Processing Administration, we present, for each element, the most critical causes of exposures and the most important controls which may reduce the impact of these causes.


auditoria de sistemas information systems it governance segurança administração de ti security processamento de dados systems auditing it management sistema de informação governança em ti data processing information technology tecnologia de informação

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