Segmentação geodemográfica: modelos mentais dos profissionais do ramo imobiliário de Presidente Prudente/SP e seus fatores influenciadores versus modelo com dados oficiais gerado a partir do geomarketing / Geodemographic segmentation: real estate professionals mental models in Presidente Prudente/SP and their influence factors versus official data model generated with geomarketing




Nowadays, in order to have a better performance in decision making, companies are using geographic information, considered essential in problem solution, as well as some tools, such as geomarketing, which can help in this process and minimize error possibilities. Even if they do not use georreferencing computational tools, the decision makers form a mental representation of the geographic distribution of their clients and markets, which are used in the decision process, especially in companies where decisions are intimately related to the geographic factor, such as real estate agencies. Considering this, the objective of this study was to confront the mental model of real estate agents concerning the geodemographic distribution of the urban population of the city of Presidente Prudente Sao Paulo State (Brazil) and a distribution map, elaborated through geomarketing, using official data about education background, income and place of residence, in order to verify if there are any factors that explain the differences of these mental representations. This research had described quantitative approach and was performed through interviews with professionals that work in the area of real estate agencies in the city of Presidente Prudente/SP. The map with the geodemographic distribution was elaborated using data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) and the software AutoCAD Map and ArcGIS in order to measure how much of the mental representations of the interviewees and this official data map are alike. Finally, the relation between this level of similitude or correction and the profile variables theoretically relevant in the formation of mental models was analyzed. It was verified that the individual experience and level of instruction have significant relation with the precision of the mental maps of the researched population.


geomarketing tomada de decisão decision making mapas mentais mental maps geomarketing

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