SCL-90-R: adaptation, reliability and validity / Escala de avaliação de sintomas-90-R-SCL-90-R: adaptação, precisão e validade




A reliability and validity study of the Symptom Checklist 90 Revised (SCL-90- R) among clinical population is presented, besides a standardization preliminary study. SCL-90-R is a self report, multidimensional scale to diagnose psychopathological symptoms according to 9 dimensions: somatization, compulsivity-obsessivity, interpersonal sensitivity, depression, anxiety, hostility, phobic anxiety, paranoid ideas and psychoticism, with 90 Items to which the respondent indicates an intensity degree on a Likert scale of 5 points: from 0 (none) to 5 (much). The sample amounts to 200 patients ( Case Group = CaG) from the mental health ambulatory and 399 patients from the infirmaries (Control Group = CoG ) of a university general hospital, ages over 19 (M = 43.5; DP = 23.8) , 41% women and 59% men. The reliability studies through Internal Consistency Analysis and Test Retest indicate good internal consistency (from 0.73 to 0.88) and temporal stability (from 0.40 to 0.82), thus confirming the instrument is reliabilily. The validity study is made through construct validation and criterion validation. The construct validation approached through Factorial Analysis (FA), Cluster Analysis (CLA) and Correspondence Analysis (CA) indicates that the Items group into 4 factors (40% total variance) and that the symptom intensity at intermediate levels (1= little, 2= moderately, 3= fairly) is poorly discriminatory. The criterion validity researched through Compared and Contrasted Groups, Kruskal-Wallis and Concurrent Validity demonstrates that the instrument discriminates groups (Global Severity Index GSI e CaG= 1.34 for men and 1.47 for women; GSI-CoG=0,80 for men and 0,90 for women), KW (__ of 26.5 to 88.5 with significance level 0.001). Using the GHQ as external measurement criterion, a 0.74 correlation is observed. It is suggested that from the 90 original Items, 40 that presented 0.30 minimum factorial charge on respective factors be retained for adaptation in a Portuguese version and distributed into 4 dimensions: psychoticism, obsessivitycompulsivity, somatization and anxiety. Furthermore, it is suggested that a 3 point Likert scale (0=none; 1=little, 2=much) be adopted for symptom intensity evaluation. The scale, in this format, provides valid measure of psychotic, neurotic, psychosomatic and anxiety predominance symptoms in patients tended to in Brazilian general hospitals. It is proposed that Brazilian standards be developed in future researches.


psicologia validity validade reliability avaliação de sintomas scl-90-r precisão scl-90-r assessment

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