Scientific education and material culture: the playful artifacts / Educação Científica e Cultura Material - os artefatos lúdicos -




The fusion of technological and scientific knowledge in the production of industrialized objects compose the setting of the contemporary material culture. The proposal of this work is to tackle the industrialized objects as pedagogical instruments of scientific education, emphasizing the relations amongst knowledge, inventiveness, aesthetics conceptions and the scientific and technological imaginary of contemporary society. The strategy of exploration of the industrialized objects as playful artifacts happens in view of the manipulation of these objetcs, emphasizing their formal characteristics, promoting a didactic modification of their original function, conceived in design, or building new artifacts with the available material in daily life. This strategy assumes the scientific education as a pedagogical practice directed to the formation of a citizen with active participation in society, overcoming the condition of passive consumers of goods. As a subsidy to the proposed practice, we do an analysis of the mechanical philosophy of nature, considered as one the main elements of the technological and scientific society.


playful artifacts ensino de ciências scientific culture ludicidade scientific education cultura científica

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