School repetition in parentsand studentsopinion: a study on the cycles and the continuous progression in São Paulo City Public School. / Reprovação escolar na opinião de pais e alunos: um estudo sobre os ciclos e a progressão continuada na rede municipal de ensino de São Paulo.




This thesis presents the data, analyses and interpretations of a research about on parentsand studentsconception about the organization of teaching in cycles and continuous progression. The research problem was built starting from the knowledge of the opposition of most parents and students to non-annual repetition politics, and the perception that the accomplishment of right to education requires both the end of scholars classification and the end of scholar exclusion processes. The field research of qualitative character was took place at two schools of São Paulo City Public System during one regular school year. The collection of data was accomplished through observations of daily school and of interviews with 28 students and 28 parents, in a total of 56 subjects. During the interviews, questions were introduced that helped to dialog about contradictory points. The content of interviews was organized in thematic categories in agreement with the concept of Bardin (2004). The collected data indicate that parents and students of São Paulo City Public School] understand the organization of teaching as a serial teaching with automatic promotion to the subsequent that compose each cycle, and most positioned against to the continuous progression. The parents and the students justified annual repetitions defense in the belief that it is necessary to press the students to study, and that the students have a better learning with the existence of the repetition. Both justifications presented by the interviewed people were not confirmed in the experiences narrated by them. The contradictions between the opinions and the live existence and the presentation of complementary information favored a part of the interviews to think about the defense of school repetition. The elements used by parents and students to explain their opinions were classified in three types. The first refers to the influence of the characteristics of the graduate school in Brazil and to the school experiences, especially for the parents, in the building of an education conception that links dedication and learning to punitive measures; the second is related to the operational conditions and to the organization of teaching and its influence over the formation of the opposition to the continuous progression; and the third type tell us about the influences of ideas on right, merit, and individual effort that prevail in society in the formation of a thought that defends or accepts the school repetition for considering that a consequence of individual actions. The data and analyses suggest that to convince parents and students of the need of school repetitions end for the accomplishment of the right to the education demands the existence of school experiences of continuous progression in order to make possible to question their belief in the need of repetition and the introduction of a knowledge that favor the construction of other conceptions of the educational process.


cycles repetition alunos parents progressão continuada continuous progression políticas educacionais students education policies ciclos reprovação pais

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