School building in São Paulo, Brazil, 1959 1962: Page, Ipesp and modern paulista architects / Arquitetura escolar paulista 1959 - 1962: o PAGE, o IPESP e os arquitetos modernos paulistas




The thesis focuses the production of school buildings by IPESP (Institute for the Welfare of São Paulo State), with projects contracted with the Paulista architects working in the private sector, between 1959 and 1962. The recurring assertions in the historiography, related to the model character of the buildings designed by Vilanova Artigas Secondary Schools of Itanhaém (1959) and Guarulhos (1960) in the production studied and in Paulista architecture in general, are reviewed in a methodological path that includes the review of the Paulista and Brazilian modern architecture historiography. The theoretical framework deepened the discussion of the theme, including the pioneering work in the field of school architecture history by Segawa (1988) and Wolff (1992), avoiding therefore the formal analysis, based in the election of models and typologic innovations, in favor of an approach that conceives this architecture in the scope of the different projects of a modern Brazil, which prevailed in Brazilian cultural debate of the period, marked by the ideological clash typical of the Cold War. The experiences of state planning are a privileged locus of this clash, visible also in the context of party politics in which Carvalho Pinto is elected Governor of São Paulo State, in 1958. Equally revealing, in this sense, is the comparative analysis of Carvalho Pintos and Juscelino Kubitscheks personalities and their planning activities, established, respectively, in the PAGE (State Government Action Plan) and the Plano de Metas (Marks Plan). The different roles played by the architects in these plans are analyzed. The transition between an optimistic scenario and another, marked by institutional crisis, in the dynamic years of JKs presidential term (1956 - 1961) and Carvalho Pintos government term (1959 - 1963). Carvalho Pintos policies, his planning, led by Plinio de Arruda Sampaio, who came from the JUC (Catholic Universitarian Youth) and developed by young architects working till then in SAGMACS (Society of Graphic and Mecanographic Analysis Applied to Social Complexes) is discussed, in what regards the educational problem, specially the work of architect Celso Lamparelli, who plays a key role in the creation of FECE (State Fund for School Buildings) and in the coordination of the plans of all the State government agencies so dedicated to educational issues. The planning activities of FECE, including surveys, definition of service standards, preparation of architectural programmes, definition of dimensional parameters and design constraints are detailed, as well as is pointed the controversial character of the application of resources destined to the retirement of State public servants in the construction of public buildings. At the same time, the thesis pays attention to the design activity of the private architects, exploring the experience of educators as Anísio Teixeira and Paschoal Lemme, the modernising content of the liberal-democratic and revolutionary projects of school, also polarized in the architecture of Oswaldo Bratke and partners of the Branco &Preto store, on the one hand, and Vilanova Artigas, on the other, all of them surrounded by young architects. The nuances existing in the interior of each of these two groups, the affiliation and the specificities of individual contributions, the virtues and shortcomings in small and large buildings are scrutinized in a microscopic reading of their designs and IPESP documentation files dedicated to each building. The intent is to assess the different contents of modernity, covered by the production in question.


são paulo school building brasil são paulo arquitetura escolar brazil modern architecture arquitetura moderna

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