Scale of Positive and Negative Affects (EAPN-10): Evidence of its Psychometric Adequacy


Trends Psychol.




Resumo Este estudo objetivou reunir evidências psicométricas da Escala de Afetos Positivos e Negativos (EAPN-10) no contexto brasileiro. Realizaram-se três estudos. O Estudo 1 considerou 296 estudantes universitários (MIdade = 23,8; 59,1% mulheres), os quais responderam a EAPN-10 e perguntas demográficas. A análise fatorial exploratória revelou uma estrutura bifatorial [afetos positivos (α = 0,82) e afetos negativos (α = 0,81)], explicando 59,7% da variância total. No Estudo 2 participaram 313 estudantes universitários (MIdade = 23,3; 57,2% mulheres), que responderam os instrumentos do estudo anterior. A análise fatorial confirmatória corroborou a estrutura bifatorial (e.g., CFI = 0,92), que se mostrou invariante entre homens e mulheres (e.g., ΔCFI < 0,01), tendo alfas superiores a 0,80. Por fim, o Estudo 3 reuniu 302 estudantes universitários (MIdade = 23,1; 54,3% mulheres), que responderam os instrumentos prévios e medidas de vitalidade, positividade, otimismo, ansiedade, depressão e estresse. Atestando evidências de sua validade de critério, os afetos positivos (α = 0,83) se correlacionaram positivamente com os indicadores de bem-estar, enquanto os negativos (α = 0,80) o fizeram com aqueles de mal-estar psicológico. Conclui-se que a EAPN-10 é psicometricamente adequada, podendo ser empregada para conhecer os afetos e seus correlatos no contexto brasileiro.Abstract This study aimed to gather psychometric evidence of the Scale of Positive and Negative Affects (EAPN-10) within the Brazilian context. Three studies were performed (N = 911). Study 1 considered 296 undergraduate students (MAge = 23.8; 59.1% females), who answered the EAPN-10 and a demographic questionnaire. Exploratory factor analysis revealed a two-factor structure [positive affects (α = .82) and negative affects (α = .81)], explaining 59.7% of the total variance. Study 2 took into account the participation of 313 undergraduate students (MAge = 23.3; 57.2% females), who answered the same instruments. Confirmatory factor analysis corroborated the two-factor structure (e.g., CFI = .92), which was invariant across males and females (e.g., ΔCFI < .01), with alphas greater than .70. Finally, Study 3's participants were 302 university students (MAge = 23.1; 54.3% females), who answered the aforementioned instruments as well as measures of vitality, positivity, optimism, anxiety, depression and stress. Supporting their criterion validity, positive affects (α = .83) were positively correlated with well-being indicators, and negative affects (α = .80) were positively correlated with indicators of psychological discomfort. In conclusion, the EAPN-10 is a psychometrically adequate measure that can be employed to assess people's affects and their correlates within the Brazilian context.

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