Sapindaceae na Serra do Cipó, Minas Gerais, Brasil / Sapindaceae at Serra do Cipó, Minas Gerais, Brasil


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This work contributes to a project \"Flora da Serra do Cipó, Minas Gerais, Brazil, being a survey and a taxonomic study of the family Sapindaceae in that area. The family Sapindaceae includes about 1756 species and 136 genera, predominantly pantropical. The family is characterized by its pinnately compound leaves, flowers with a extraestaminal nectar disk, petals with basal appendages, stamens 8 or fewer, seeds often with an aril-like coat and embryo curved and with deep fold in seed coat. The survey of the species was carried out based on collections from Serra do Cipó, visits to herbaria, field work and bibliographical consultations. In that area 39 species were found, belonging to 10 genera: Allophylus (2 spp.), Cardiospermum (1 sp.), Cupania (4 spp.), Dilodendron (1 sp.), Dodonaea ( 1sp.), Magonia (1 sp.), Matayba (5 spp.), Paullinia (5 spp.), Serjania (18 spp.) and Toulicia (1 sp.). This number of species is ca. 200% bigger than that found in a preliminar list. Climbers species (24) are the larger group, with 15 species of trees or shrubs. Serjania was the genus with the highest diversity, followed by Matayba and Paullinia. Among the results are the first occurrence of Cupania moraesiana in semi-deciduous forest; - Allophylus petiolulatus and Matayba intermedia as new records of occurrence for the state of Minas Gerais and the rediscovery of Matayba stenodictya. The species of Sapindaceae occurring at Serra of Cipó were found in áreas of Atlantic Forest and Cerrado, and less expressive at the rocky fields. Identification keys, morphological descriptions, comments on geographic distribution and phenology, illustrations and pictures about species studied are provided.


brasil brazil campo rupestre rupestrian field sapindaceae sapindaceae serra do cipó serra do cipó

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