Santo Daime - the Professor of the Professors: The Transmission of the Knowledge through the Hymns / Santo Daime - O Professor dos Professores: A TransmissÃo do Conhecimento atravÃs dos Hinos




The work analyzes the hymns of the doctrine of the Saint Daime. The central hypothesis is that they are at the same time the knowledge in itself and the vehicle of transmission of this knowledge. This text tries to understand though the hymns the evolution of the Saint Daime detaching three moments of its history: the foundation for Raymond Irineu Serra, in the decade of 30 of the last century; the consolidation for SebastiÃo Mota de Melo, from 1971 and the currently expansion taken to the front for Alfredo Gregorio de Melo. With the concepts of social memory and performance the text analyzes the diverse types of rituals that constitute the corpus of the religion in question and it detaches the relation between education and learning with the hymns, and trance and the performance.


sociologia santo daime â cerimÃnias e prÃticas ayahuasca social memory work. hinos religiosos â histÃria e crÃtica alucinÃgenos e experiÃncia religiosa hymns santo daime â hinos â histÃria e crÃtica saint daime santo daime â rituais santo daime - hinos - memÃria social - performance - trabalho performance

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