Sanção na teoria do direito de Norberto Bobbio




The purpose of this thesis is to present the evolution of the conception of sanction in the work of Norberto Bobbio, to discuss different methodological views in respect to the concept of Law. The sanction is one of the most important subjects to discuss the concept of Law. The relevance of this thesis is founded in the theory of Norberto Bobbio, Italian philosopher, who established a dialog with Kelsen, in an attempt to overcome some problems in the positive theory of Law. The main hypothesis of this thesis is that the concept of sanction is variable in the works of Bobbio, presenting a phase of approximation with the kelsenian positive theory, a phase that attempts to overcome this theory, thought a functional approach of Law, and, finely, a phase where Law and Politics get closed and even mixed. For this propose, this thesis got focused in many Bobbio`s texts in different moments, and other authors that studied this theme as well. It was possible to conclude that in Bobbio there are, in the beginning, the predominance of a coercitive sanction and, after that, this sanction cohabit with the positive sanction, created from the theory of function. This theory is no longer developed by Bobbio, when he turns the focus of his studies, indicating not only a change of area, but a partial overcome of some positivist and formalist suppositions


bobbio, norberto -- 1909-2004 -- contribuicoes em filosofia do direito sanção teoria geral do direito filosofia do direito direito -- filosofia sancoes (direito) kelsen norberto bobbio sanction philosophy of law filosofia do direito law theory

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