SAMPA (Systemn for Comparative Analysis of Metabolic PAthways) / SAMPA (System for Comparative Analysis of Metabolic PAthways) - uma comparação de vias metabólicas




The advent of genome sequencing technology and complete genome analysis has provided new data on prokaryote and eukaryote metabolic pathways. The comparative analysis of metabolic pathways from different organisms can help us understand inter and intra species organizational relationships. Having this in mind, this work focused on building a system that allows for comparing the bacterial metabolic pathways, according to a set of pre-established criteria. SAMPA (System for comparative Analysis of Metabolic PAthways) comprises a database containing information on metabolic pathways in many organisms, and a set of five tools that can be used to compare these metabolic pathways and to group organisms carrying metabolic pathways that are related. As a case study to validate the tool, we the Mycoplasmataceae family of organisms was used.


metabolism-modeling computational graphs grafos algoritmos computabilidade e modelos de computacao microplasmas comparação comparison algorithms metabolismo - modelagem computacional mycoplasma

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