Salas de aula (não) franqueadas : arenas de abordagens de primeiros, segundos e terceiros




In search for more evidences about the incidence and the tension of several approaches in the great language teaching operation, a qualitative research was led based on a corpus derived from 1) my blogsentries which remind my experiences in (not) franchiced classrooms ; 2) the gathering and analysis of the materials used in both contexts and 3) the (self)-observation, notes and transcriptions of classes. The apprehended data of such instruments were compared with insights derived from semi-structured interviews that had been made with other two teachers who also work (ed) in the same contexts. The analysis and discussion of these data, done byprocedures of approach analysis suggested by Almeida Filho(1999), showed that it is not the teachers approach, necessarily, the guide. Other approaches, such as the approach of the franchising and the students learning approach, have higher incidence than the teachers approach on the operation in the (not) franchiced classrooms that had been analyzed. This indicates that under these conditions it is not the teachers approach which is being crossed by third approaches, as Almeida Filho said (1997), but that it is the teachers own approach which is creating tensions, either continuous or alternated, with the first and second approaches, that according to the place will be the franchised or the students learning approach. Moreover, we noticed that in the franchised context, which we analysed, there was a continued effort in 1) eliminating the incidences of the teacher and the studentsapproaches 2) shapping the teachers approach and the franchised one in order to create an illusion of a perfect approachesrelationship, specially in teachers who still have a weak set of competences. The tensions between strong approaches,that incide on the franchised área, raise, then, the notion of the empowerment of the language teachers as something necessary for the leadership of the decisions that are taken in their classrooms, and it also lights the discussion about the necessity of dialogue between specialists, teachers and students with the intention to make more local and sensitive the events in the classroom.


franchising tensão linguistica aplicada teachers development franquia tension abordagem approach formação de professor

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