Saberes em extensão universitária : contradições, tensões, desafios e desassossegos


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This research aims to seek for the advancement in comprehension of conceptions of practices of university extensions, under the perspective of the encounter of knowledges. The university extension is situated on the context of changes throughout the last decades, emphasizing multiplicities of functions taken by the university and the complex dynamics of power which might be part of the knowledge field in its epistemological dimensions and social practice. From contextualizing the relationship between society and university, and understanding contradictions and tensions that cause impact over the university extension¿s background in Brazil, it deals with the knowledge encounter as the element which questions the university¿s social commitment. In order to reach the proposed goals case methodology has been used, in an emergences sociology, according to Boaventura de Sousa Santos and under the studies of knowledge contexts from Sandra Jovchelovich. The empirical field aims to capture the sense and meaning of extension experiences, from professors, students and community members involved with university using collected data and semi-structured interviews. The research results show that practices and conceptions adopted by the university extension are plural, inserted in a complexity of relations which are part of the knowledge field. In this sense, there is a diversity of being and using knowledge in the university extension, which are developed by academic practices that go through recognition of the Other, the alternative experiences and the buildup of a new knowledge. Opening the path to new studies that contribute to the capture of complexity and wealth of possibilities of knowledge and university extension.


sociology of emergences universidade sociedade knowledge encounter relação de conhecimento construção do conhecimento ensino superior university and society extensão universitária sociologia university extension

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