Rua de mão única: uma leitura do romance Passado Contínuo de Yakov Shabtai / One hand street: space study in Yaakov Shabtai\ s Past Continuous


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Yaakov Shabtai (1934-1981), wrote Past Continuous, his first novel, almost thirty years after the foundationof Israel, out of third war in 30 years of its rise. The novel exposes the lives of three men, their relationships and families, their projects and frustrations, showing numerous other characters who flock and disappear over the storyline. His scenario, and also a character, is Tel-Aviv, which will be analyzed under the bias of Walter Benjamin in his criticism on the modernization of Paris as the capital of the nineteenth century. The hypothesis is that the changes in the historical context, post-Zionism, understood as another narrative to the national history of Israel, required the coordination between the competent writer in order to tellmore complex ways and questioning, as a meta-narrative which influences the creation of new techniques of writing so as to represent the city\ s historical into the fictionalized way.


espaço literário literary space shabtai shabtai tel aviv zionism sionismo tel aviv

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