RPT2: A signal transducer of the phototropic response in arabidopsis


American Society of Plant Physiologists


The blue light receptor NPH1 (for nonphototropic hypocotyl) has been considered to be the only UV-A/blue light receptor that induces a phototropic response by the hypocotyl and root of Arabidopsis. By analysis of root phototropism (rpt) mutants, we show, however, the involvement of another blue light receptor as well as the existence of two separate signaling pathways working downstream of these receptors in the phototropic response. A newly isolated gene, RPT2, controls one of these pathways. The RPT2 gene is light inducible; encodes a novel protein with putative phosphorylation sites, a nuclear localization signal, a BTB/POZ domain, and a coiled-coil domain; and belongs to a large gene family that includes the recently isolated NPH3 gene. From genetic, physiological, and biochemical evidence, we propose a genetic model of the signaling pathways that induce the phototropic response in Arabidopsis.

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