Routine Application of the Omental Pedicle Graft in 50 Consecutive Patients at Risk for Sternal Wound Infection


After cardiac surgery, healing can be delayed by sternal wound infection, particularly if mediastinitis develops. Because of the technical simplicity of omentopexy, we recommend the use during open-heart surgery of an omental pedicle graft in selected cases to prevent postoperative complications. This article describes our experience over a 4-month period (from 30 March 1989 through 2 August 1989) with this technique in 50 consecutive patients at moderate-to-high risk for postoperative sternal and mediastinal problems. The patients included 39 men (78%) and 11 women (22%), whose ages ranged from 22 to 83 years (mean, 55 years). Preoperative risk factors included extreme obesity, 13 patients (26%); chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, 13 patients (26%); diabetes mellitus, 6 patients (12%); obesity and diabetes, 8 patients (16%); and obesity, diabetes, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, 3 patients (6%). Operative risk factors included cardiac reoperation involving prolonged surgery, 6 patients (12%); bilateral mammary grafting, 17 patients (34%); and the need for prolonged (greater than 72-hour) mechanical respiratory assistance, 2 patients (4%). Three of the 50 patients (6%) were considered to be at moderate risk due to an increase in nosocomial infections at the time of their surgical procedures.

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