Rotinas, projetos e disseminação de inovações no governo eletrônico : o caso da E-PING




This study aimed to identify the routines of development projects of Information Systems influence the spread of innovations generated in response to standards from the Brazilian e-government. The standard used as reference is the E-Ping. It was selected for having a great appeal for the production of technological innovations in the network that is articulated to generate solutions to government. The reference theory is supported in discussions about innovation from the view of Schumpeter and the neo-Schumpeterian. We debate basic concepts as routine and accumulation that are in the midst of discussion of this research line. As the characteristics of structures and artifacts of electronic government are similar to those of complex products and systems, is dedicated a sub-section on that specific theme. Finally, a review of Techno-Economic Networks and dissemination of innovations, as innovations are disseminated by the actors that comprise the network of the Brazilian electronic government. By using the translation process as a base for the methodology, we conclude that in a heterogeneous network such as that discussed, the dissemination of innovations acts in the improvement of the competitive capacity of enterprises, reduces costs for government and improves the technical competence of the organizations and their workers. Evolutions in routines of projects of information systems represent a change in the micro level of the government that can enhance the role of this actor in the sectorial innovation system of Information Technology.


redes tecno-econômicas governo eletrônico disseminação de inovações complex products and systems, tecno-economic networks, dissemination of innovations, eletronic government administracao rotina, produtos e sistemas complexos routine

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