Rotational placement of irregular polygons over containers with fixed dimensions using simulated annealing and no-fit polygons


Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering




This work deals with the problem of minimizing the waste of space that occurs on a rotational placement of a set of irregular bi-dimensional small items inside a bi-dimensional large object. This problem is approached with an heuristic based on simulated annealing. Traditional " external penalization" techniques are avoided through the application of the no-fit polygon, that determinates the collision-free region for each small item before its placement. The simulated annealing controls: the rotation applied and the placement of the small item. For each non-placed small item, a limited depth binary search is performed to find a scale factor that when applied to the small item, would allow it to be fitted in the large object. Three possibilities to define the sequence on which the small items are placed are studied: larger-first, random permutation and weight sorted. The proposed algorithm is suited for non-convex small items and large objects.

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