Rostrocaudal gradient of mechanical advantage in the parasternal intercostal muscles of the dog.


1. Previous theoretical studies have led to the predictions that, in the dog, the parasternal intercostal muscles in the rostral interspaces shorten more during passive inflation than those in the caudal interspaces and have, therefore, a greater inspiratory mechanical advantage. The present studies were undertaken to test these predictions. 2. The effects of passive inflation on the length of the parasternal intercostals interspaces 1 to 7 were evaluated with markers implanted in the costal cartilages. Although the muscles in all interspaces shortened with passive inflation, the fractional shortening increased from the first to the second and third interspaces and then decreased continuously to the seventh interspace. 3. To understand this peculiar distribution, a geometric model of the parasternal area was then developed and a relation was obtained between muscle shortening and the angles that describe the orientation of the muscle and costal cartilage relative to the sternum. Measurement of these angles indicated that the rostrocaudal gradient of parasternal shortening resulted from the different orientations of the costal cartilages and their different rotations during passive inflation. 4. The changes in airway pressure generated by the parasternal intercostals in interspaces 3, 5 and 7 were finally measured during selective, maximal stimulation. The fall in pressure was invariably greatest during contraction of the third interspace and smallest during contraction of the seventh. 5. These observations indicate that, in the dog, the rostrocaudal gradient in rib rotation induces a rostrocaudal gradient of mechanical advantage in the parasternal intercostals, which has its climax in the second and third interspaces. These observations also support the concept that the respiratory effect of a given respiratory muscle can be computed from its behaviour during passive inflation.

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