Room-temperature magnetic properties of oxy- and carbonmonoxyhemoglobin


The magnetic susceptibility and the density of human oxy-(HbO2) and carbonmonoxyhemoglobin (HbCO) solutions of various concentrations have been measured at room temperature, with pure water used as a calibrant. Solutions of unstripped and stripped HbO2 at pH 7.2 in unbuffered water solvent were always found to be less diamagnetic than pure water, whereas solutions of HbCO in identical conditions were always found to be more diamagnetic than pure water. After correcting for concentration-dependent density changes and assuming the HbCO samples to be fully diamagnetic, the paramagnetic reduction of the diamagnetic susceptibility of HbO2 corresponds to a molar susceptibility per heme (χMheme) of 2460 ± 600 × 10-6 cgs/mol.

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