Rockshelters and Settlements : technological contexts analysis through the pottery-makers ocupations of Cidade de Pedra, Rondonópolis, Mato Grosso / Abrigos e aldeias : análise dos contextos tecnológicos das ocupações de ceramistas na Cidade de Pedra, Rondonópolis, Mato Grosso




This dissertation analyzes the technological context of ceramic-making group occupations on the City of Stone (Cidade de Pedra) area in Rondonópolis, Mato Grosso. The ceramic technology was studied according to criteria related to the features present in the paste and contours of ceramic pottery. The research correlates four open-sky sites and four sites under rocky shelters from an area that is inserted within a wide regional context of ceramic sites. The study of the ceramic pieces found at the sites observes the diversity in technological choices related to pottery production processes, from archaeological occupations where ceramic is associated to the Uru and Tupiguarani traditions, in addition to non-affiliated ceramic sets. Data were interpreted taking into account cultural aspects implied within the context of these sites


pottery technology escolhas tecnológicas indigenous pottery archaeological pottery cerâmica arqueológica tecnologia cerâmica cerâmica indígena technological choices contexto arqueológico archaeological context

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