Risco de quedas: intervenções de enfermagem da NIC identificadas por enfermeiros mexicanos a pacientes hospitalizados / Fall Risks. NIC identified Mexican nursing interventions to hospitalized patients


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This is a descriptive study which main objective is to analyze the feasibility of NIC interventions on falling risk situations among hospitalized patients through cross mapping method. During this study, ten Intern Medicine Service nurses from a second level hospital in Queretaro City, Mexico participated. The study was designed into three stages. At first stage, there were described the activities made by nurses with falling risk patients. At second stage, there was made a cross mapping from NIC\ s activities and interventions for the falls risk diagnosis of the researcher. At third stage, a comparative fine tuning mapping was made among expert nurses and the NIC compared with the identified interventions from the researcher. The results of the research were as follows: From ten nurses, nine were 31 to 40 year old female with an average working experience of seven years and a half. There were mentioned 173 falls risk activities by nurses who attended the study. There were listed 14 interventions and 70 activities on the cross mapping from which six interventions were on the Security Dominion with 40 activities, six interventions were on the Basic Physiological Dominion with 20 activities and two interventions were on the Complex Physiological Dominion with 10 activities. On the NANDA/INC interrelations activities were mapped two non-proposed interventions in the Restraint Physical and Risk Identification mentioned by nurses during their attendance with falling risk patients. The higher number of mapped intervention activities were of the Security Dominion. This mapped interventions show the contribution of nurses toward falls prevention. Current results of this study may contribute to the creation of prevention programs, politics and strategies which enhance patient\ s security through taxonomy\ s usage within the Mexican nursing context.


accident by falling acidentes por quedas adultos adults cuidados de enfermagem elders hospital hospitalization idosos nursing care

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