RiPLE-RE: a requeriments engineering process for software product lines




Software Product Lines (SPL) is an important reuse strategy to minimize costs and time-tomarket, and maximize quality and productivity of the software development. However, it involves the management of variabilities and commonalities among several applications, which increases its complexity compared to traditional software development. Thus, developing a SPL requires time and systematic planning to present positive results, otherwise, the investment can be lost due to failures in the project. In this context, a Requirements Engineering (RE) process is important to reduce the risks involved in a SPL, providing correct requirements development and management. On the other hand, there is a key challenge in RE for SPL, which involves an adequate solution to manage variabilities, integrating them and linking decisions in different assets for making easy the products derivation. Thus, the SPL development should be supported by an appropriate RE process for its context. Currently, there are several RE approaches for SPL, however, they present gaps, such as not presenting the complete and systematic process, with sufficient details to cover the whole RE lifecycle. Thus, this work defines a systematic requirements engineering process, describing activities, tasks, inputs, outputs, roles and guidelines for the SPL context, in an usable, effective and efficient way. Finally, an initial experimental study is presented to identify the viability of this proposed process.


reuso de software requirements engineering engenharia de requisitos software product lines ciencia da computacao linhas de produto de software software reuse

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