Rhizobacteria characterization and Rizolyptus efficiency in eucalyptus rooting and growth / Caracterização de rizobactérias e eficiência do Rizolyptus no enraizamento e crescimento de eucalipto




Since the late 90s, experiments have shown the beneficial effects of rhizobacteria isolates obtained from the rhizosphere of seedlings of different clones of Eucalyptus grandis, Eucalyptus urophylla and their hybrids, when inoculated to the substratum with a saline suspension. To make its use operationally viable, the most promising isolates were formulated in canadian turf and in stabilizing solution, as well as morphological and molecular characterizations and tests of sensibility to antibiotics. After 24-h incubation, the colonial characteristics elevation and color of allowed the differentiation of isolates of all studied species. Besides the isolates S1, S2 and 3918 of Bacillus subtilis, MF2 and MF4 of Pseudomonas sp. and Ca of Pseudomonas fulva were differentiated by their morphological characteristics and the sensibility to antibiotics. PCR-RFLP analysis allowed the differentiation among isolates CIIb of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, R1 of Frateuria aurantia and FL2 of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and between the groups of Bacillus isolates S1, S2 and 3918 and Pseudomonas MF2, MF4 and Ca. The efficiency of inoculants in the production of eucalyptus seedlings varied with clones, types of tested formulation and isolate. In general, clones of E. grandis (11) gave better response to rhizobacterization (Alfenas et al., 2004) than E. grandis x E. urophylla (409). The turf formulation provided larger increases for the variables rooting speed, biomass of aerial part and root system. Isolates R1, FL2, S1 and S2 stood out for showing larger rooting increase and isolated S2 for increasing the biomass of the aerial part and root system. Both the turf and the liquid formulations were shown to be efficient in inducing minicutting rooting and seedling growth, being a practical and viable alternative to be adopted in eucalyptus seedling production.


eucalipto eucalyptus fitopatologia rizolyptus rizolyptus

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