Rezas, ervas e búzios: religiosidades e práticas de cura na "Ilha da Magia" um exercício histórico no tempo presente / Prayers, herbs and shells: religiosity and practices of crude on the "Isle of Magic", a historical exercise in the present tense.




The goal of this work is to map religious healing and myth-magic practices, pointing them at the present time on Ilha de Santa Catarina. The text runs around the hypothesis that they reveal world views which, like in the second half of 20th century, remains in the memories of many inhabitants of the Island in 19th century. The evaluated corpus is constituted, basically, of written texts and ads featured in local newspapers, such as in almanacs, pamphlets, and printed and handwritten prayers, photographs, pictures from the period corresponding to the second half of 20th century and to the beginning years of 19th century. The argument presented in this essay tries showing that, in that periods Ilha de Santa Catarina , there is an written texts production which is intended to be read from and to a specific amount of the population as an attempt to civilize the body-healing practices through reading


curandeiros florianópolis (sc) healing practices escritas ordinárias historia ordinary writings religiosidades práticas de curas religiousness reading medicina popular religiosidade leitura

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