Rewarming Rate of the Myocardium During the Aortic Cross-Clamp Time: Variations with Different Levels of Body Hypothermia


Twenty patients underwent elective cardiac valve replacement at 20° C of body hypothermia. Temperatures of the ventricles of both walls were monitored on 12 different sites. Distribution of myocardial temperature ranged between 24.3 and 29.3° C for patients of Group I before cardioplegia delivery and 13.2° C in the septum after cardioplegic infusion. Average temperatures for the anterior and posterior wall were 13.6 C and 15° C in the left ventricle and 14.7 and 15° C in the right ventricle. Myocardial temperatures ranged from 26 to 28.7° C for patients of Group II. After cardioplegic arrest, septal temperatures averaged 14.9° C. The recorded sites of the anterior and posterior left ventricle were 14.1 and 13.1° C. The effects of rewarming on the different myocardial areas occurred according to a logarithmic equation, which is faster in the first 10 minutes.

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