Revisão taxonomica do genero Posoqueria Aubl. (Rubiaceae)




The genus Posoqueria Aub1., belongs to the subtribe Eugardenieae DC, tribe Gardenieae A. Rich. of the Rubiaceae Juss.; P. Longiflora Aubl. is the type species. The genus is typically neotropica1. His north limit of distribution is the Tropic of Cancer, and it occurs in all southern Mexico. In the south, the genus occurs below the Tropic of Capricorn until the north coast of Rio Grande do Sul, in Brazil. Inicial1y, as it is recorded in the literature, the genus was composed by 13 species, 6 subspecies and 1 forma. In this revision the genus is evaluated and taxonomic changes are proposed. 14 species and 4 subspecies are considered valid: P. platysiphonia Rusby, P. grandiflora Standl., P. acutifolia Mart., P. gracilis (Rudge) Roem. &Schult., P. trinitatis DC., P. latifolia (Rudge) Roem. &Schult., P. velutina Standl., P. macropus Mart., P. palustris Mart., P. williamsii Steyerm., P. maxima Standl., P. coriacea Mart. &Gal. subsp. coriacea e subsp. formosa (Karst.) Steyerm., P.longiflora Aubl. subsp. longiflora e subsp. grandiflora (Karst.) L. Macias a new combination and P. bahiensis L. Macias which is recognized as a new species. The species identifications were based essencially on morphologica1 characteristics, after detailed exsiccatae ana1ysis proceded from 32 national and foreing herbaria. No morphological character alone is enough to separate the species by itself. Many characters have to be considered for a successfu1 identification of the species? Note: The complete abstract is available with the full electronic digital thesis or dissertations


botanica - classificação

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