Revisao da fundoplicatura de nissen para tratamento da doença do refluxo gastroesofagico em crianças e adolescentes / Nissen fundoplication review for gastroesophageal reflux treatment in children and adolescents




Gastroesophageal reflux disease in childhood may cause nutritional impairment, esophagus inflammation, respiratory disorders and neurobehavioral alterations. In most cases, treatment includes postural, dietary and medical therapy. Anti-reflux surgery is recommended to patients who do not present improvement with proton pump inhibitors treatment, or present recurrence of symptoms when medical therapy is discontinued. Fundoplication surgery failed has been detected and it has been showed that wrap condition needs monitoring and that clinical symptoms are not sensitive enough to indicate fundoplication efficacy. The objective of this study was to identify the frequency of defective wrap in the late postoperative period and evaluate esophageal complications related with gastroesophageal reflux recurrence in children. The study was cross sectional and descriptive, by selecting 45 patients who had undergone Nissen fundoplication, 12 to 30 months before. All procedures were done at the Hospital de Clínicas da Universidade Estadual de Campinas, in the period from May 2004 to February 2007. The age range at post-surgery examination varied from 16 months up to 16.9 years. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy was used to determine esophageal endoscopic and histopathologic appearance and fundoplication condition. In the evaluated sample, 26 patients (57.8%) were neurologically disabled. Intact wrap was identified in 41 patients (91.1%). The fundoplication was effective for treating esophagitis, even in patients with esophagus stenosis. However, some complications were identified: peptic esophagitis in 6 of 45 patients and a second fundoplication was necessary in 2 patients. Peptic esophagitis in the endoscopic evaluation was associated with defective wrap (p=0.005, Fisher?s exact test). Two patients with Barrett esophagus were identified, during study. We conclude that endoscopic follow up may be useful for patients who underwent anti-reflux surgery. Endoscopy allows the diagnosis of possible complications


refluxo gastroesofagico fundoplication gastroesophageal reflux fundoplicatura

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