Revestimento ativo enriquecido com aminoácidos em feijão-comum / Active coating enriched with amino acids in common bean


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Beans is one the most consumed legumes in developing countries. However, this food is also consumed in developed countries, although in small amounts. Bean is the third legume more important of world. The parameters that confer the bean its technological and nutritional quality are related with genetic variation, and environmental and their interaction. The sanitary quality of seeds is evaluated mainly for sanity test, which stablish the presence or absence of insects pest and microorganisms. Recommendations have been suggested to minimize the problems resulting from bad nutrition, among them, strategies of supplementation, food fortification and diet diversification have been proposed. This work aimed to observe the behaviour of parameters related to technological, physiological and sanitary qualities of common bean conditioned with the application of biodegradable edible coatings, and also, to determinate the proximate composition. The analysis were accomplished by means of physiology, sanitary, physicochemical and sensorial tests. The cooking time for all treatments in the storage time was smaller than 30 minutes. The evaluated sensorial profile characteristics indicated that tested coatings were accepted by consumers. The luminosity of bean treated with active coatings did not presented changes, which indicate that no darkening process occurred throughout storage time, probably due of the presence of amino acids added to the coatings. In the sanitary quality evaluation was observed the growth of Slerotinia sclerotiorum. Also, the preference test, with free choice, showed that Zabrotes subfasciatus presented greater attractiveness for the grains without coating (control) and those coatings with carnauba wax. The moisture content and the activity water remained stable, but presented difference between treatments. The higher average values for methionine and cysteine were quantified in cassava starch treatment, in the broth as well as in the cooked bean grains. The addition of sulphur amino acids (methionine and cysteine), which are limited in common bean, in edible coatings can be a viable alternative for the daily intake of these amino acids and provide a good quality protein in the diet.


tecnologia de alimentos revestimento antimicrobiano revestimento funcional feijão enriquecimento qualidade antimicrobial coating functional coating bean enrichment quality

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