Projeto de um retificador de corrente reversível com alto fator de potência e controle digital implementado em DSP




The target of this work is the design and assembly of a reversible current rectifier with high power factor, by current control using the instantaneous values. The control is made by one Digital Signal Processor (DSP). Though many studies already have been made in this area, this field is recently between the UDESCs research, So, this works contributions is in the technology upper hand of digital control to use in futures research. A qualitative and quantities study is made, where is showed the converter structure, the working principles in the almost working site and the main equation definition that are used in this converter. This work show too the power circuits and digital control design. And in the end show the results get by simulation, the digital processor study and results get though the assembled structure for practical tests of control lows implement in laboratory.


eletrônica de potência sistemas de controle digital conversores de corrente elétrica automação industrial controle automático automacao eletronica de processos eletricos e industriais

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