Reuso direto das aguas residuarias municipais tratadas : uma forma de conservação de agua e disposição final




The increasing scarcity of water in different regions of the world on one side and the indiscriminatedhydric pollution process on the other, not only of the superficial waters but also of the groundwaters and soil, have led to a constant worry of Mankind in an athempt to conserve the water resources for the future generations and principally to try and protect the nvironrnen he lives in. n This work presents the study of direct reuse of treated municipal wastewaters or the so called "reuse waters" , as a contribution to water conservation and also to optimize the final disposal of these liquid residues. In this way, the work dea.lssuperficiallyand deeply with the types of reuse possible, the ways they can be implemented in different regions of the world, as well as the different aspects wich are related to their study, amony other things it can mention the following: Public health, social economical, environrnental,technological and legal aspects. AlIthese subjects are dealt with accordinglyin specialised literature On the other side, this work also presents a study of a region of the Central Walley of the Department of Cochabamba in the republic of Bolivia. In the elaboration of this specific ti study, intrinsic surveys of the chosen region were carried out. Its cIimatical cIassificationleads us to concIude that it is reallly a region of semi-arid characteristics. In the planning process utilized, we have the following stages: Identification of the general objetive and of the specific objetives, Inventory of the water and soil resources, Elaboration of a preliminar diagnosis and , ,the formulation of a basic strategy for the direct reuse of treated municipal wastewaters in the short term ou in the year 2.000 , middle term or in the year 2.005 and for the long term or in the year 2.015


agua - reutilização aguas residuais agua - conservação

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