Retratos maternos: fotografias e cartas de imigrantes japoneses em São Paulo / Maternal portraits: photographs and letters of Japanese immigrants in São Paulo


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This research focused on my maternal grandmother, Akie Sakasegawa Matsuyama, and her families: her parents and siblings (Sakasegawa) and her husband and children (Matsuyama). I did not know my grandfather, Hideo Matsuyama. Maybe this study is a way I found to know a little about his life history. My main focus was on the state of Akie Sakasegawa Matsuyama, encompassing letters, photographs and photographic albums, and on the photographic collection of her mother, Ine Narita Sakasegawa. I conducted several non-structured interviews, using photographs, with members of her family, nuclear and extended, in Brazil and in Japan. All this material helped me to understand the means by which the familial relationships were maintained after the migration to Brazil. The main purpose of this work was to question the roles of photography in the interpersonal exchanges between the families in Japan and in Brazil, and try to figure out the liaisons between photographic portraits and the sense of identity the immigrants had of themselves. Once this is a study about the family my family I felt the need to make use of methodologies within reflexive anthropology. I wanted to make it clear that I´m the one thinking about these issues and writing about them. In this aspect, in many instances, there is room for disagreements; many of the statements I support are choices I had to make in order to write a somewhat coherent text. Because this is a study about the intimate life of members of my family I did not have the chance to meet or interview, a lot of my assumptions are open to interpretation. Nonetheless, I tried not to force my points of view in an exaggerated fashion, I wanted to be open enough to listen without preconceptions what the interviewees told me. Thus, I tried to follow the threads left by my ancestors and be faithfull to everything I could find. The objective of this work is to preserve the memory of the histories and endearments shared by the Japanese immigrants and their families. Using materials that are fulfilled with love and friendship photos and letters I tried to comprehend the intimate relationships between the immigrants and their families.


antropologia visual fotografia história famílias history family photography portrait of japanese immigrants retratos de imigrantes japoneses são paulo são paulo visual anthropology

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