"Rethinking the nu rse’s fo rm atio n: the pro cess of conscientization and teaching practices accord ant to the ethical-humanist referential." / "Repensando a formação do enfermeiro: o processo de conscientização crítica e práticas docentes à luz do referencial ético-humanista"




In the presence of curricular reform, which is occurring in all over Brazil, in the most of graduation courses, we watch the university education institutions movement trying to take a firm stand looking for axis and strategics which lead the pedagogic practice to attend the current contests in the process of people capacity and in health attendance area, in order to hurdle the professional formation difficulties, formulating transforming political – pedagogics projects. Considering that the curricular purposes to the Nursing Graduation course maintain, in its essence, ethical –humanist principles, we elaborate this study, of descriptive- exploratory nature, accomplished adjacent to the teaching body of the Nursing Faculty of Federal University of Goiás (FEN/UFG), with the aim of developing a construction the process of conscientization with the regard to the ethicalhumanist referential, starting with the comprehension about it, to lately identify the necessary teaching practices to the implementation of political- pedagogic project that was being elaborated. For that, we utilized the methodology of action- research, that which foresee an interaction between he researcher and the study participants, which adjoined during the research’s elapse, go on reflecting about this problematic at issue, trying to find possible actions of being undertaken in the resolution of the found difficulties or strategic, in order to be possible transformation desired. The data were obtained by group meetings, participant observation, besides the use of scrap iron as an aid in the communications that complemented themselves bringing important elements to analysis. The result of this study was made from the description of the group’s the process of conscientization during the apprenticeship of learning to live the humanist ethics. If in the beginning, the professors didn’t have much clearness about the significate of the referential in the study and its implications to the pedagogic practice, in the elapse of the research the elucidation of some conceptions about the humanist approaching was possible and, the most important the availability of the greater part of professors in arguing issues related to the humanized teaching was the focus of this process developed by the group. This result signals a particular moment of changes that the academical unit tried, since the discussions related to the curricular reform of FEN/UFG were not only focalizing the structural elements of the curriculum, as working hours and subject disposal. In another way, we have seen a movement of collective the process of conscientization comprehending that the pedagogic actions need to support themselves in the “knowing- learning”, “knowing- doing”, “knowingbeing”, “knowing to live together” knowledges, where the human interaction aspects are fundamental. At the end, we bring some suggestions of the direction aiming to go beyond/further the curriculum theoretician discourse, bringing us back, specially, to the instrumentation of the professor with the purpose to give subsidy to their action in the ethical- humanist references.


education faculty currículo docentes nursing teaching ensino educação em enfermagem curriculum

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