Restaurantes: estudo sobre o aproveitamento da matéria-prima e impactos das sobras no meio ambiente


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Commercial restaurants produce, when they prepare and serve meals, several residues, which are managed by different ways. It was search to investigate the planning grade adapted to the implantation, the behavior of the utilization on the raw material, the utilization of the leftovers and finally, the residues generated in restaurants from Campos do Jordão, São José dos Campos and Taubaté. To achieve these objectives, it was carry out a field research, with the application of interviews with managers or owners, and it was chosen restaurants from different typologies witch present formality in management and operation, enterprises that are lawful at public institutions and with elevated rates of occupation, safeguard the specificity from the typology of the undertaking. The remains quantity from the restaurants on research corresponds between 5 and 30% of the produced quantities, independent of the enterprise typology. It was observed that the restaurants informally conducted generate bigger remains quantities and have smaller preoccupation with the reuse of the remains, and the adequate destination of residues and that the most sophisticated restaurants aims to direct efforts to reduce the generate residues. It was concluded that the food services arent excluded from the production ways with damage the environment with the excedent and consume from the raw material, owing, therefore, to be full part of studies that aims to collaborate to the reduction of these impacts.


gestão de restaurantes resíduos sólidos restaurants management residuos solidos, domesticos e industriais

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