Resposta imune frente à Bothropstoxina -1 irradiada com 60Co: identificação das principais citocinas envolvidas e a participação de substâncias scavengers / Immune response against the irradiated Bothropstoxin-1: Identification of main cytokines involved and the participation of scavengers substances




Considering the effects of gamma radiation on proteins and the ability of immune system to recognize modified macromolecules, we have identified the major cytokines involved in immune response of B10.PL, BALB/c and Knockout- IFN-/- mice exposed to native or irradiated bothropstoxin-1 (BTHX-1), in the presence and absence of scavengers substances. In order to evaluate possible molecule structural modifications after being irradiated (60Co gamma rays), bothropstoxin-1 was submitted to SDS-PAGE analyses. Our results indicated that irradiation process has promoted modifications in the BTHX-1 molecule, however, in the presence of scavengers and even after irradiation process, the main band of toxin was preserved (14 kDa). Sera of animals immunized with the native or irradiated toxin, in the presence or not of scavengers, were analyzed in order to quantify specific isotypes. While the native BTHX-1 induced a predominant Th2 response, the irradiated toxin apparently promoted a switch towards a Th1 pattern. The toxin, when irradiated in the presence of t-butanol, induced to a lower production of IgG2b (Th1 response) if compared with the irradiated toxin without scavengers. We also performed a Real-time PCR to quantify the expression of cytokines IFN-, IL-2, IL-4 and IL-10 in spleen cells from mice. The cells of B10.PL and BALB/c mice immunized with native BTHX-1 and in vitro stimulated with irradiated toxin, showed higher expression of IFN- and IL-2 (Th1 response) than the control sample. The cells of Knockout-IFN-/- mice immunized with native BTHX-1 showed higher expression of IL-4 (Th2 response). The cells obtained of B10.PL and BALB/c mice immunized with BTHX-1 + t-butanol, showed higher expression of IL-4 and IL-10, respectively. These facts reinforce the involvement of OH in the modulation of immune response against the irradiated toxin.


bothropstoxina-1 citocinas. radiação ionizante radiação ionizante bothrospstoxina-1 citocinas.

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