Responsabilidade social empresarial: uma análise de modelos teórico-conceituais.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




From the central question How much the conceptuals models of social responsibility of the firms reflect the firms practices showed by Akatu Institutes research? this work was developed, and the purpose of which is to analyze the relationship between the main conceptuals schemes of social responsibility of the firms and the firms practices showed by Akatu Institutes research. There are some models that try to define this social responsibility of the firms, however these models are not based on Brazilians firms practices, but on the observation of the movement for a social responsibility of the firms and its reactions to this into international contexts. After a large literature review, seven theoretical models developed to analyze the social responsibility phenomena were chosen to be confronted by some data brought by the Akatu Institutes research with the Brazilians firms about its practices in the social responsibility ways. So, the pertinence of each conceptual model could be analyzed, with each ones dimensions of analyzes, ideological purposes and classifications adequate for the understanding of the social responsibility movement in Brazil. This work, an exploratory research, identified that the classifications pertinent to this reality arent in extremes of being or not socially responsibly, and that the models that get close to this reality explain that de social responsibility of the researched firms do not mean social engagement, or even represents only the fallowing formal obligations as laws, but are pointed by a search for a good relationship with the market agents to maintenance and maximization of the firms objectives.


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