Responsabilidade dos sócios pelas obrigações sociais nas sociedades limitadas: um enfoque jurídico-econômico / Responsabilidade dos sócios pelas obrigações sociais nas sociedades limitadas: um enfoque jurídico-econômico




The subject of this study is the limited responsibility to which business partners are liable in accordance with the law in Decree 3708/19. Within the area of limited responsibility, the idea that the partner must be held accountable for obligations normally held by the company will be discussed. In addition, certain labor, tax, and consumer relations laws that place partners personal property at risk when that responsibility should rest with the company. Finally, the idea of partner accountability is analyzed from an economic point of view. At this point, the study begins from the idea of economic efficiency, which has its origins in the Chicago School. The discussion later evolves into whether or not, from an economic point of view, a system that limits the responsibility of partners can generate acceptable market efficiency levels


direito credores sociais obrigações dos sócios

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