Responsabilidade civil no transporte aéreo de passageiros




ABSTRACT The present mastership dissertation treats of the air transport and civil responsibility inherent to the activities of this segment of Law and aims to demonstrate the numberless gaps of both national and international legislation as well as the several existing autonomies. It is also considerable to register that the study of Aerial Law neither integrates the curricular grid of the Law Courses of the universities in the country nor the universities overseas and, consequently, there is the scarcity of bibliography of profound studies on such subject. The theme has been chosen on account of the flagrant abuse that is found airline companies with regard to users, which injures both individual and collective rights. In the development of the work the compilation method has been used in connection with the research on jurisprudence and comparative legislation. Moreover the civil responsibility, constitutional guarantees and infra-constitutional legislation have been approached as well. It follows that there is the need of uniformity between the international treaties and the internal legislation of every country once this is an activity with global effect. This uniformity would inhibit the differentiated treatment that has been given to similar cases. With the forecast of a growing demand of air transport there will be the need to deepen more and more the study of the pertinent right for an equalitarian guaranty of treatment and fair both for users and the carriers.


direito aeronáutico convenção de varsóvia (1929) transporte aéreo de passageiros código de defesa do consumidor código civil brasileiro (2002) responsabilidade (direito) aviação comercial responsabilidade civil código brasileiro de aeronáutica direito aéreo aerial law, aeronautical law, consumer defense cod, brazilian aeronautical code, warsaw convention (1929), brazilian civil code (2002), passengers air cargo, civil responsibility, material damages, danos morais danos materiais direito civil

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