Resonance Raman study of the primary photochemistry of bacteriorhodopsin.


Resonance Raman multicomponent spectra of the light-adapted form of bacteriorhodopsin, bRLA568, and its first photoproduct, K628, have been obtained at liquid nitrogen temperatures. The spectra of both bRLA568 and K628 could be obtained with the known sample compositions under our irradiating conditions and computer subtraction techniques. In agreement with previous results, we find that both bRLA568 and K628 contain chromophores linked to the apoprotein by protonated Schiff bases of retinal. Neither pigment form, suspended in H2O or 2H2O, compares closely to the spectral features of all-trans and 13-cis protonated and deuterated model chromophores, respectively. The data are consistent with other results, suggesting that a chromophore isomerization takes place in the bRLA568-to-K628 phototransition. However, the exact structure of the in situ chromophore would appear not to involve simple trans-to-13-cis structures found in solution.

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