Resolução temporal auditiva de crianças usuárias de implante coclear / Auditory temporal resolution in children using cochlear implantation


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Auditory temporal resolution is considered one of the most important skills for acoustic signal processing along the time. It allows the identification of fine differences of speech segmental aspects, such as phonemes and the beginning and end of words in linked phrases. Children using a cochlear implant (CI) present specific characteristics of speech sign decoding and processing, along the time, performed by the CI. Thus, this research aimed at verifying the performance of children fitted with CIs, in temporal resolution tasks. The sample comprised 20 children using CI Nucleus 24/SPRINT (Experimental group - EG) and 20 children with no auditory alterations (Control Group - CG). The Random Gap Detection (RGDT) and Gaps In Noise (GIN) tests were applied to assess the temporal resolution skill through gap detection tests which were applied in free field and 40 dBSL. The statistical tests utilized for data analysis were Student´s t test, for independent data, Mann Whitney´s test and Pearson´s Correlation Coefficient. The children fitted with CIs achieved gap thresholds of 74,13±51 ms on the RGDT and 12,12±2,53 ms on the GIN test, the latter performed by only four out of the 20 children. Gap thresholds for the CG were 18,77±12,29 ms on the RGDT and 6,13±1,27 ms on the GIN test. The difference between the two groups was statistically significant. There was a significant difference in the comparison of the results of tests between the genders of EG, with males outdoing females. No correlation was seen between age and gap detection thresholds for both groups and there was no significance between the time of CI use and the results on the tests for the EG. Even assessing the same hearing skill, no significant correlation was seen between the results of the tests applied. Thus, it was observed that children fitted with cochlear implantation present gap detection thresholds significantly worse than those presented by normally hearing children.


child cochlear implantation criança hearing loss hearing tests implante coclear perda auditiva testes auditivos

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