Resistencia da fixação interna em duas tecnica de Osteotomia para avanço mandibular : estudo biomedico em mandibula de carneiro




Rigid internal fixation is a routine in modern orthognatic surgery. Within mandibular osteotomies, the sagittal split ramus osteotomy is very popular, because it allows for both advancements and setbacks, and also because rigid internal fixation can be applied relatively easy. Sometimes, however, the maxillofacial surgeon is in a situation where the sagittal split osteotomy is not adequate (for example reoperation). In this cases, the combined "C" -Sagittal osteotomy is very helpful. In order to compare both techniques, 13 sheep mandibles were separated at the symphysis, and divided in two groups. The fust group had a sagittal split done, and the combined "C" - Sagittal osteotomy was used on the second group. Rigid internal fixation was applied to the sagittal split osteotomy group by méans of 3 positional screws, being two at the superior border and one bellow the mandibular canal. The , "C" - Sagittal mandibles were stabilized by 3 positional screws at the inferior border and 1 small two-hole plate applied to the superior border to act as a tension bando Both group were tested on a MTS testing machine, with a compressive force being applied to the last molar. Data was acquired and compared. There was no statistical difference between the groups. A significant difference in force leveI necessary to dislocate the osteotomy site in both groups was detected, being progressively larger as dislocation continued. Analyzing the results, the conclusion can be drawn that rigid internal fixation is valid for the "C" SagittaI osteotomy, like it is done routinely in the Sagittal Split ramus osteotomy


osteotomia titanio mendibula cirurgia

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