Resistencia a fratura de pre-molares restaurados com compositos odontologicos em diferentes configurações cavitarias




The aim of this study was to evaluate the fracture strength and the fracture pattem of human pre-molars with inlay and onlay cavity preparations restored with two hybrid composite resins and light cured in a direct and indirect technique. Eighty-four premolars were selected and divided into seven experimental groups of twelve specimens each: G1 = teeth without cavity preparation (control); G2 = inlay/Z250 (directly light cured with Soft - start technique); G3 = inlay/Z250 (indirectly light cured with a high intensity light curing unit); G4 = inlay/indirect Solidex (indirectly light cured with a high intensity light curing unit); G5 = onlay/Z250 direct (directly light cured with Soft - start technique); G6 = onlay/ Z250 (indirectly light cured with a high intensity light curing unit); G7 = onlay / Solidex (indirectly light cured with a high intensity light curing unit). All specimens were submitted to an axial compression loading in an Instron Machine, with a 6.0mm diameter sphere, at a speed of O.5mm/min. The fractured teeth were analyzed and classified according to four levels offracture pattem: 1- fracture only in the tooth (Gl) or only in the restoration, which could be simply solved by the substitution of the restoration, without extending the preparation; II - fracture of the restoration and of a small portion of the tooth, with necessity of a preparation extend; III - fracture with periodontal involvement, with restoration possibility with cuspid protection; IV - fracture with periodontal involvement, with tooth removal needing. The mean values of fracture strength were (kgf): Gl=124.00(B); G2=113.52(B); G3=117.08(B); G4=119.80(B); G5=160.33(AB); G6=197.81(A); G7=131.22(B). According to ANOV A (p


dentistica fotopolimeros resinas compostas

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