Resiliência: o emprego desse conceito nas áreas de educação e psicologia da educação no Brasil (2002 a 2007) / Resilience: the use of the concept in education and educational psychology in Brazil (2002-2007)




This thesis aims to verify how do Brazilian researchers deal with resilience in Education as well as in Educacional Psychology, ie, how do they theorize it, under which circumstances they study it, and what kind of methodologies are used. The research for this dissertation was made in the most reputable libraries in the academic environment such as Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações do IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia, Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde (BVS), Biblioteca Virtual de Educação (BVE), Banco de Teses da Capes and Núcleo Brasileiro de teses e dissertações em Educação, Educação Física e Educação Especial (NUTESES), furthermore other important libraries from very well known Universities in Brazil. Within the papers found all over the country, the selected studies were based in four criteria: 1) those with educational intent, 2) the ones in which the constructo of resilience is seen as a psychologiacal fenomenum, 3) those that were possible to find through digital sources, and, 4) the papers that have been published within the years of 2002 and 2007. Twenty-two researches were obtained, although just fourteen were avaliable in digital sources. The analysis showed that 59% of the studies were done in the South of the country followed by the Southeast, the Northeast, the North and the Middle West regions. In addition, according to the analysis one half of the avaliable researches showed the resilience concept as a process, and the other half indicates it as a psychological characteristic or mingles the two concepts (hybrid). Therefore it was possible to observe that a significant amount of researchers still understand resilience as ones characteristic, or yet are reluctant about the comprehention of constructo considering it simultaneously like a psychological characteristic, and a process. It was also possible to see that the major part of the researches made in Psychology indicates constructo as a process whislt the Educational ones oscillate between both characteristic and process concerning resilience. Considering these results it was possible to ponder about the possible implications in education, and that led to the challenge of a new proposition on this issue. It was also pondered how to get off the status quo, and to help teachers to overcome this matter


resiliencia (traco da personalidade) resiliência resilience psicologia educacional

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