Residuo solido domiciliar : potencial de minimização e potencial de conservação de energia com reciclagem em municipios da Região Metropolitana de Campinas




The work hypotheses are that a reasonable energetic potential associated to the solid waste might be discarded at the residences and that it is possible to minimize the quantitys of waste. The purpose of this study is to estimate the avoided energy associated to the potential minimization of the domestic solid waste produced in municipal districts of Campinas Metropolitan Region RMC. The justification for it is the information degree needed about generation and composition of the residential solid waste to reach its minimization and consequently its energy conservation. It was considered: the solid waste problem context, from the energetic, social and environmental point of view, seeking the real possibilities of minimization and consequent energy conservation; the characterization of the RMC, with emphasis on the residential solid waste; study cases to investigate the administration and the domestic solid waste management of Campinas, Valinhos and Vinhedo cities; analytical study to determinate, from gravimetric characterization, the theoretical minimization potential associated to the municipal waste; and the energy conservation potential estimation which can be obtained with the domestic solid waste recyc1ing on the studied cities and on the RMC. As all the hypothesis were confirmed, the results may be used as base to improve the environmental conditions and, consequently, tuming the potential minimization and energy conservation into a real conduction


residuos energia - conservação lixo - eliminação

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